The Tofu Diaries is a blog I've been reading and admiring for a long time. I mentioned Natalie in my 5 Cruelty-Free Lifestyle Blogs To Follow and I regularly share her posts on Twitter because they're just fantastic. So I was very pleased when she asked if I'd like to do an interview on her blog! Also how cool is Natalie's blog name?
After interviewing other cruelty-free bloggers for my own series, of which there'll be a new one on Saturday with another very cool blogger, it was fun to turn the tables and answer questions myself. In fact I wrote so much that I had to really edit down my answers, because I could talk about cruelty-free all day!
Among the questions is one about my process for finding out if a company is really cruelty-free, which I'm planning on writing a post about because it can be such a tricky thing whether you're new or experienced.
You can read the interview here and also make sure to check out Natalie's other posts! She takes beautiful photographs of her veg travels as well as sharing delicious looking recipes and cruelty-free finds.